The Newest TrEND is Here to Stay

November 7, 2017 Laura Nowak

Collaboration is an important factor that contributes to the success of any business. Perhaps no one understands this better than globally distributed companies who have been investing in collaborative product development for engineering and manufacturing for several years now. Professionals who have a wide variety of skills that can be shared and utilized all work towards the collective success of the product, and with it, the business.

CCE provides high-quality engineering product development services for global clients. Many of our experienced and knowledgeable engineers are located out of the country, which often invokes concerns about communication. However, CCE understands the importance of communication between collaborators. Distance is now a hindrance of the past.

CCE has leveraged technology to establish a stable communication system that fosters effective collaboration of design and engineering ideas. This way, ideas can be conveyed as if everyone is in the same room. We call this TrEND, or Trusted Engineer Next Door.

The premise of TrEND is simple, use advanced software to coordinate video, audio and screen sharing streams from both sides of the geographically dispersed conversation, to create a natural collaboration experience. Video cameras are positioned around the collaborators that include a projection of the room’s whiteboard, desk, and each collaborator’s face. Computer screens are shared so both parties can see each other's work when necessary. Additionally, a microphone is set up for clear and direct verbal communication.

With this infrastructure at both ends, sketching an initial concept during ideation or discussing feedback on a physical part is a cinch. With this level of interaction, everyone is on the same page during every project discussion. Location is no longer an issue, communication no longer a barrier. TrEND provides all of the accessibility you need when working with remote teams on collaborative projects and will certainly accelerate your new product development process.

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